Saturday, February 14, 2009

Father/Daughter dance '09

Last week, ACA held the second annual Father/Daughter dance. My intention was to post the pictures the next day (considering I had gotten home very late - or very early depending on how you look at things). It was then that I discovered that my camera dock wasn't "talking" to my computer. Out of nowhere, the weren't speaking to each other. Today, I sat down, yet again, to see if I could fix the problem and I thought I would just see what happened when I pushed the "magic" button on the dock. Well, lo and behold, they've made up and are speaking to each other again. I would love to say my technical expertise had a hand in it but that would be lying. So, without further ado, The Father/Daughter dance blog.

The original plan for the Father/Daugter dance was that Madeline's escort was to be Uncle Paul. She asked if she could ask him and she did and he said "yes". However, as you remember, Mads came down with the flu. Our rule is that if you don't go to school, you don't get to do whatever is going on after school and unfortunately, her fever didn't break until the wee hours of Friday morning, so no school for her. So, it ended up being just Sadie and Conrad going. My heart was broken having to tell her she couldn't go but she took it well and understood. She also got to go with some friends to "The Main Event" the next night which was described to me as "Chuck E. Cheese on steroids". She came home with a soccer ball, a hoola-hoop and 3 watches. I think she had a good time and that, hopefully, made up for it.

Back to the dance...

Conrad and Sadie had to drop me off at Susan's house so I would have a ride to the dance. He was taking Sadie out to eat and I had to be there 45 min. before anyone showed up so, out of necessity, I rode with Susan. It is at her house these pictures were taken.

Sadie and Katelyn. BFFs (Best Friends Forever for those of you not "in the know").

The two of them "cutting a rug".

Video of them dancing.
It was really a lovely evening. Tunes were provided by Iphone and Ipod, DJing by me. The decorations were black, pink and silver/gray. I think everyone had a lovely time and I even saw some teary-eyed Dads there. I hope this tradition continues.

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