After much car lot searching, jumping through every financial hoop known to man and the finance company deciding they didn't want us to have two car payments (they wanted us to trade in the van or pay it off - yeah right) Conrad decided to purchase from an individual a truck that would "just get him to and from work until we could get the van paid off". Well, let me tell you, the man can shop. Meet the newest member of the Wangler Family...

Now, onto other things...
The upside to the tree being cut down was the insurance. The insurance adjuster came out and after surveying the damage, decided we needed a new roof. Go figure. So, today, that's exactly what happened. We got a new roof. See...

The pictures don't really show off the blackness of the shingles.

Now, I'm not too partial to the black color of the roof. But, I am WAY partial to the newness of it and the no holes in it. The people putting it on are relatives of the guys who did the second cutting of the tree. Those guys are fast. They started around 9am and were done by 4 or 5 this afternoon. I was amazed.
The thing that took the longest (in my opinion, don't ask them) was getting up the nails that fall to the ground while all that roofing is going on. This was my magnet...
full of nails. This was theirs...
much bigger than mine. But, mine could get into smaller places, like in between all those huge logs still in our back yard from the tree. It was actually kind of fun running that thing through leaves and such and coming up with a huge magnet full of nails. Scary, too. No barefootin' it for us for awhile. Or else, tetanus shots all around.

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