Saturday was very busy. First was Sadie's recital. She did very well. We were all so proud of her. Nonnie came in for the event and, while it was a short stay, we all enjoyed her being here.
This is Sadie receiving all her ribbons and her bronze medal for piano this year. She has really improved, I think.

This is her recital piece. It's Minuet by Bach. She's so impressed that she learned a piece by Bach. Thanks to Nonnie, she memorized it. Nonnie put the edict down that she should practice 30 minutes a day and after the second day, she had it memorized. Sit back and enjoy.
I put this video of a song another young man played (yes, I only got a portion of it) that hearkened me back to my youth. Sundays on the way to church with my sister and my Daddy. He taught us all sorts of songs. Well, I should say, he taught us new words to songs that already existed. Here are the words to this song. My Mom, sister and Aunt Janis will probably already know these words. Go ahead, you know the tune. It's the one in the video...Sing along!!!
Give a cheer, give a cheer
For the boys who drink the beer
In the bathrooms of ol' Blytheville High
They are brave they are bold
And the liquor they can hold
Is a story that's never been told
For it's guzzle guzzle guzzle
As the beer goes down the muzzle
Shout out your order loud and clear
For wherever you go
You will always know
That those beercans
Just won't flush away.
After the recital and after Mom left, I went and took a nap. I intended to just sleep for an hour or so but, apparently, I needed some sleep and got up just in time to get ready for church, for Monsignor Joe's 50th anniversary celebration Mass. (50 years in the priesthood, pretty good, huh?) Here he is in his Monsignor robe. I've never seen him in these. I missed the mass where he was Monsignored or however you say it.

Immediately after that little shindig, I went home and we all went to Ethan Hale's birthday party. You know, Ethan Hale - Becky Hale's son, and that means Becky Hale cookies!!!! Since it was at a water park, the cookies were nautical themed. Aren't they cute? They were delicious, as usual. Thanks Becky!

On to today...Happy Memorial Day. I hope you all are remembering those who gave their lives in the service of our country. We needed a new flag so Conrad and the girls went out to get one. Mads helped put it up.

(And, Mumsey, if you're wondering why Mads isn't in her new swimsuit, she's been in the new one for two days and it needed to dry.)

(And, Mumsey, if you're wondering why Mads isn't in her new swimsuit, she's been in the new one for two days and it needed to dry.)
And our Amazing Rangers play the icky Yankees today and one of the perks of living where we do is that we get the flyovers. This Memorial day it was 4 helicopters. I just happened to have my camera out and caught it. Had to run like the wind to get it but I made it.
1 comment:
I can't believe this! I was just singing that VERY SAME SONG last night! Don't really know why...oh, i guess all the military music. But isn't that weird that you posted the words today??? Great minds run in the same circles....
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