Earlier in the week, she came to us and had these gradiose plans for her party, complete with cake walk and bobbing for apples (and, yes, it was about 25 degrees out when she planned this).
The next day we broke the news to her that it would be a family only birthday "party" but, she'd have cake and presents and her family around (including her brothers). I could tell when her Daddy told her when I walked into her room by the look on her face. What a sad face she had.
So, today comes and all is good. Madeline had us all wake Sadie up with our rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday to you" complete with party hats and noise makers and a sign that Madeline made last night and we all signed. Plus, she had decorated the living room with streamers.
Then various trips to various stores for various gifts and a special trip for Sadie to pick out her cake, special just for her. She picked a lovely winter themed, blue iced marble cake that smelled deliciously like buttercream. It had a snowman and trees and "Happy Birthday, Sadie" written on it. Great job!
Then while I took yet another trip to the store for bowls for the red beans and rice I had made (because we have about 3 bowls in this house - they keep getting broken) she convinces her Daddy to take her down to the parade of lights because the running club (she is a member) is sponsoring ACA's float and she wants to be in the parade. When I got back she had 5 minutes to get there and no one had eaten, she hadn't had cake, blown out candles or opened presents. I overruled and devastation set in. But, she bounced back because she had cake to look forward to as well as presents.
Finally, we all eat. Time for cake. We light the candles, Conrad takes it into the living room, I run to get the camera. When I got back (maybe 10 seconds later) chaos has broken out. I come in to see cake on the floor and Anna freaking out because she thinks the house is going to catch on fire. Aaron takes care of her and Conrad picks up the cake, now unfit to eat (maybe in a cleaner house you could have salvaged it but we have animals and kids - need I say more?). Sadie was less than pleased. Crying in fact. But, I have to give her credit, there was no tantrum, just a broken this-isn't-how-I-thought-my-birthday-would-turn-out little weep session. I couldn't blame her. This is what the cake looked like after Conrad picked it up.
Apparently, what happened was...Anna was sitting on the stool that Conrad had planned to put the cake on and when he asked her to get up she jumped up, arms flailing, and knocked the cake out of his hands.
So, she had to settle for a big bowl of ice cream (chocolate) instead. Not quite the same thing.
This is all my kids (and their significant others) after no cake, lots of ice cream and presents had been opened (hence the smile on Sadie's face).
All in all, I think she handled all the disappointments of the day well. Hmmmm, I guess that means she's growing up...or getting used to living in our house. Nothing seems to go exactly as planned. But, hey, fun things happen when you're open to the flow-of-normal changing.
And, this is my new Grand-dog, Alice. She is the sweetest thing and wobbles when she walks. How cute is she?
Wow, my Sadie is 11 now. How time flies.
She has started being more responsible with her work at school, rarely do I get emails, now, telling me she forgot to bring this assignment or that paper. I'm very proud of this turn of events. She was even proud of herself for bringing up her grades from her report card to her next progress report. Way to go, Sadie!
As far as I can tell, she's not that into boys yet. She did have one crush at the beginning of school but that seems to have cooled off. I haven't heard his name or seen any other sign of her liking him in quite awhile.
She's in the running club now. She seems to have found something she really likes to do. She'll be running in some races when it gets warmer so we're looking forward to that. And, she's in the choir and student council. She's not dancing anymore so no recital this year. But, she's finding her way and I think the dancing exit had alot to do with her feeling overwhelmed and over extended. I'm glad she realized it herself and there was no argument about what should go. I thought she was good at it but she must not have felt that way.
I do love the fact that she's become more demonstrative towards her father and I. She just comes up and hugs me or just leans against me for no reason. And, she actually came and kissed her Daddy and I goodnight a couple of nights ago. Totally surprising, but most welcome.
She's also becoming quite the beautiful girl. Of course, I may be a little biased but, I've heard other people say it too.

Sadie, I'm enjoying you watching you grown up. I love you!