Friday night was Conrad's swan song with the Killer Ducks Soccer Team. He "officially retired". They told him they will hold a place open for him and to take a year off. Then see if he wants to come back.
We have enjoyed his 12 years with the Ducks. They are like family to us. They were there when we got married, they rejoiced with us at the birth of all our "ducklings". We travel to San Antonio with them every year and...well...what happens in San Antonio know the rest. Let's just say fond memories are stored away in our minds. Thank you, Ducks, for all the memories. We love you. We'll see you, of course. We plan on going to San Antonio, retired or not.
Now something else I haven't blogged about. My mother was here this weekend and filled in for us nicely. She handled the children all by herself (with help from Jon Michel, I hear) all Friday evening (while we swam with the Ducks) and all Saturday while we participated in the 3rd Annual Most Blessed Sacrament Golf Tournament. Conrad played in it and I helped put it on. I will say I think we made more money this year than ever before so I'm calling it a success. I think fun was had by all.
Then the next thing I haven't blogged about is the ugly side of letterboxing.
After the golf tournament we went letterboxing. The first one we looked for wasn't there. However, I got some beautiful pictures of the girls and Conrad in the beautiful park setting. I got some nice pictures of the flowers growing around there. Then on to the next one. Conrad and the girls stayed at the playground where the clues started and I got to go off on my own and find one. I found it, did my stampin' thing then got back to the group. Then, off to find one more. It was a geo-cache in a place called Crystal Canyon. I didn't even know this place had a name because it's a place we pass by all the time.
I stayed in the van with Anna because it was rough terrain and I knew it wouldn't be stroller friendly. Off Conrad and the girls go. Tick...tock...tick...tock...time goes very slowly when you're in a van trying to amuse a 14 month old. La la la la time moving along...slowly...slowly...suddenly I hear Madeline's voice "Mommy, there's BEEEEEESSSSS in there! I see she has the camera in her hand and (much to my dismay, now) my first thought was "why is Conrad letting her carry the camera over CEMENT?" Then I thought "where ARE Conrad and Sadie?" After a minute, they came around, too. Sadie was crying and Conrad was looking frazzled.
They get in the van and Madeline showed me her bee stings (3 of them, on her body and ankle) and Sadie shows me hers (3 on her left hand-two on one finger- and one on her right hand). Conrad also has Multiple stings but is holding up much better than the girls. He tells me that he has to go back for the GPS. I said "what"? He told me I didn't understand the situation. He explained that they were close to the coordinates when all of a sudden Sadie -who had been holding the GPS- started screaming, dropped the GPS and started flailing about madly. Madeline also panicked and Conrad dropped the camera to start handling the situation. Luckily, Madeline picked up the camera (thank you, Madeline). Unluckily, when it was dropped, somehow the memory card in it got unformatted so when I went to look at the pictures I had taken all day (you know, the cute ones I took of the kids at the park?) they were now lost. On the bright side, everyone survived and Conrad found the GPS in short time with no more bee stings The kids are a little leary of letterboxing but overall OK.
Here is a not very good picture of Sadie's hand before it got swollen all the way.

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