Ok, so our first day of vacation - and this is one of those vacations that the girls are going to look back on and remember fondly, if I have to beat it into their heads. No, really, you know those family vacations where you are dressed in dorky clothes and your hair is styled in some weird way you don't want to remember? This is that vacation. I feel like such an adult now. I don't like it one bit. Ok, there are pluses....anyway...
Not far into our first day, we are reminded of the power of God, mother nature, whomever you believe is in charge of our weather. Here is a picture of the flooding in Witchita Falls.
That's just off the highway. Not even in the town or anything. WOW.
Our first dinner break. See, this is one of those pictures.
Begin our second day of vacation...
These are my Air Force Academy Chapel pictures I 've taken so far. There's more, but these are good.
We get to go inside and hear my mom play the organ in there on Monday. I'm so excited.
Only people who watch "All My Children" will get this next picture.