Granted, Aaron doesn't live with me most of the time, but I still love him and miss him when he's not around. I felt the "out-of-the-nest" feeling most parents get when they send their children off to college. I also felt odd for feeling that. Was it really any different than sending him back home to go back to high school? Yes. This time, I was sending him off, ON. HIS. OWN. to make new friends, to make his own schedule (around his schooling, of course) to find his own way in his own way. A huge step for anyone and here I was, the parent assigned to this duty. Don't get me wrong, it's a duty I gladly accepted. One I hoped would come my way. I just didn't expect the feelings that came along with it.
Luckily, I had Mumsey, Auntie B., Pamela and Greg to help me and Aaron through. I think Aaron was fine with it all, but, of course, in Scrivner fashion, we made it into a production, one I think Aaron could have lived without but weathered it like a trooper anyway.

I apologize for the size of the pics. Pamela had to send them to me via e-mail because I sent my camera with Conrad and the girls. Pics should be up from their trip later.

Aaron, I wish you all the best at college. I hope you find a great group of friends who also have their feet firmly planted in good things. I hope you study hard even though you don't want to. I hope you play hard because you can. I hope you work hard in the theatre because you enjoy it and most of all I want you to remember these next four years as a growing experience for what life will bring you. And, I hope life brings you joy and everything else good. Good Luck, Aaron!
And, remember. I am proud of you.
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