Several weeks ago, when I found out High School Musical 2 was coming out on TV, I thought to myself "wouldn't it be fun to let Sadie and Madeline invite 3 friends over each and have a sleepover and watch HSM2?". One of the friends invited was Taylor whose mother is my creative, artistic friend Jessica. When I told her of the plans and that Conrad and Anna would be finding someplace else to go she told me her husband would be at his yearly Naval reserves week so he wouldn't be there and suggested we have it at her house.
Of course, that took the pressure off of having my house kid-ready so I gratefully accepted. Her kids also got to invite people so it wasnt' just my kids friends (although our kids' friends are all pretty much the same so it works out).
We decided to have a red carpet and crafts, make-overs, pizza, the works. Jessica even made star shaped cookies that were very yummy.
As it turned out, I was sick ALL week ( and if you remember the trend in my house this year, it has been for the birthday person to be sick on their birthday - held true with me!) so on Thursday, I called one of the other girls' mother and asked if she could fill in for me in case I wasn't well. I was still running a fever on Friday so there was no way I would be able to stay up all night and sleeping anywhere besides my bed wasn't a comforting or healing thought.
I took the girls over there and stayed until the movie started and that zapped most of my energy. But, here the big girls are, on the red carpet, showing their "diva" side.

And here are the first-graders in full "diva" mode.
Jessica is so creative, she made this sign with great is that sign?
After the movie, they made a "poop pile" which is just all the pillows available in a big pile, then the girls stand on the coffee table and JUMP!

Now, how fun did that look?
I am feeling a bit better now. My fever may be gone. I'm taking it easy until Monday when we have to go "meet the teacher" at school and take all our school supplies in. And, I'm sure there will be PTO stuff to do, just not sure what it is right now, I'm still a little fuddled in the brain (no more than usual, probably).
Conrad took the girls (all 3 of them!) out to Joe and Bonnie's out by Lake Tawakoni to celebrate J&B's 20th anniversary. They're going to go fishing and have a great time, I'm sure. I, on the other hand, am going to enjoy some peace and quiet and maybe find some of the floors in my house. I'm sure they're in there somewhere.

Happy 20th Anniversary, Joe and Bonnie. I wish you many, many more!
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