Anna made this mask at school and these are her beads. The teachers wouldn't tell me what she did to get them....

Today is a dark day for Madeline. She was supposed to get all her homework done by Sunday night so she could go see the Hannah Montana 3-D movie tonight. Well, it didn't all get done. One thing was not done and I think I even let her have until yesterday evening to do it. So, she doesn't get to go. It's killing me not to let her go, but she will not learn that I mean business if I let her go. Call me mean, call me cruel, call me whatever but I feel this is a HUGE moment for her (and me) so the rule stands. I can feel her heart breaking even as I write this. I think she's in there trying frantically to get it finished. Too bad for her.
Well, y'all have a happy Mardis Gras and don't go showin' nothing to get any beads!
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