I know this is overdue, since I told you I'd take the picture on Monday, but I finally got the picture yesterday and am putting it on here today. This is the picture of the completed second arch on the stadium. You know, the one I didn't get to see them put in place? The one for which I didn't get to redeem myself on the TV? Sunday, Conrad told me there was a TV camera crew out at the gas station where they interviewed me last time and said they were just looking around, all lonely like, as if they were just waiting for someone to interview. Hmmmm, maybe I should just pitch a tent out there and wait for the next big milestone to take place. Well, dang it, now I just sound desperate. Note to self: GET OVER IT!

Today, my friend Jennifer called and asked if I could watch her daughter, Lora, while she went on the field trip with her third grader (whom Sadie has gone to school with since they were 4 years old!). I told her "of course"! Anna and Lora get along really well. Except for this little bit of time right here...

And frankly, this was all Anna being a two-year-old. She and Lora had been riding the two ride-on thingies (technical term, be careful using it!) and Anna had this one first then Lora wanted to ride it and so I suggested a trade and Anna was having NONE of it. What's missing out of this still picture is the screaming and crying that went on endlessly over this stinking toy. And, you can't really see Lora's face in this picture (if you either click or double click on it, it will enlarge and you can probably see) is that she looks embarrassed by Anna's lack of grace and self-control.
We had to go in after I snapped this picture. She didn't get a spanking for being such a little snit, but she did get one for bolting back out the door after we went in and getting back on the toy. Just a little smack on the leg and a firm reprimand for going outside without Mommy. Don't go and call CPS on me for that...there are way better things to call them for than that.
Jennifer called me before she picked up Lora and asked if I had gotten anything done today. I told her "surprisingly, yes". And she said something to the effect of "We mothers get all caught up in what we didn't get done in a day. What we really need to do is praise ourselves for what we
do get done. Somedays that is just 'the kids are alive and well and for the most part happy'. Sometimes that's as good as it gets, and that is still a successful day". My friend Jennifer is SO smart.
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