Everyday funny things happen. I am publishing them here to make you smile.
This is me when I was asked where Jon and Aaron's gifts from my Mom were. Oops! I forgot to put them out. Yikes~!
OK, you'll have to turn your head for this one, unless you're drunk or asleep on your computer desk. This is Anna at Christmas pagent practice, feeling very comfortable being up on the part that we don't call a stage. She actually got up there and did her part on Christmas Eve and I will try to get that on here tomorrow.
But, now, I'm tired and want to go to bed.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and you were surrounded by loved ones and happy times. May God bless you all!
Yeah, I know, we don't have a top for our tree. I've never found one that reached out and grabbed me. I will one day.
Now imagine it with a large portion of the front missing a bunch of ornaments. Say about the height of one 2 year old who lives in our house and doesn't know how to keep her hands off of things.
On Tuesday morning, Anna's school had their Christmas party. This is Anna in Santa's lap.
She does NOT like Santa or anything else dressed up in a costume.
Then Anna and I joined Sadie and Madeline up at their school for their "Holiday" parties. And because Anna is usually the "picture girl" on this blog, I decided to use a picture of Mads this time, instead. I took this one after the parties on the playground.
And, guess who just got her final quiz grade in and made a 100? Yep, that's me. A far cry from the 34% I made on the quiz before that. But, in my defense, it was about a 4 line dictation and one comma wrong and you fail. The lady at the school said NOONE passes that quiz. Final, here I come! I'll let you know when I pass.
Sadie got a gift card to Target today and we happened to be going there for other purposes so she got to shop and chose the "Disney Channel Holiday" CD, much to Madeline's chagrin. "Sadie always gets the discs" she says. Whatever. Anyway, Madeline is enjoying it as much as Sadie and by the looks of this video, so is Anna.
This was the "other purpose" for why we went to Target, the girls' Christmas dresses. Sadie went with non-traditional, but yet still pretty, brown. You can't see her shoes very well, but they're brown, too, and really go well with the dress. The others got theirs, too, they just haven't tried them on yet.
Happy Birthday, Sadie. You are very loved and we are happy you joined our family 9 years ago. We can't imagine our lives without you.
In these last nine years, you have shown us how loving, caring and intelligent you are. School comes easy (too easy, probably) for you. You love to sneak into our bed in the middle of the night and sleep so close to us you practically push us out of the bed. You also make sure your legs are out of the covers right as you fall asleep so that makes for interesting coverage for the rest of us who may be sharing a bed with you. You love your sisters, although you sometimes would rather not show it. You are the one who comforts Anna when we correct her and she cries. We don't always appreciate that, we feel you may be undoing our disciplining, but it is sweet to witness.
This past year, you took your first communion. How proud we were that you took this sacred sacrament seriously and you are enjoying going to Mass with us and being able to take part in the whole service.
You're hard to figure out. When we send you to bed, you take your homework with you so as to put off going to sleep as long as possible. But, if I tell you to go to bed and take your homework with you, you don't. You just go in and go to sleep. Go figure. Lesson learned on my part.
You like to play school but only if you can be the teacher. How many times has Madeline come to me in tears because you won't let her be the teacher? You probably have a career in teaching, I can see that in you.
You also love horses, dogs, cats and you love to take care of your Webkinz online. At least those animals I don't have to feed. Puss-n-Boots is your constant sleeping companion. You almost can't fall asleep without him.
Thank you, Sadie, for these last 9 years of love and joy. You are a special girl with a brilliantly bright future ahead of you. May God direct us to show you your path.
Here are all the girls I'm sure singing some "Hannah Montana" song.
Sadie blowing out the candles on her "cheeseburger" birthday cake. It only looked like a cheeseburger, it tasted like delicious chocolate cake, how disappointing - NOT!
So now, they're playing "supermodel" or "project runway" or some such. I think they're expecting me to be the judge. I'll let you know how it goes.
These are the videos I tried to put on here yesterday. They finally behaved and pasted themselves on here. The one on the top is the song Madeline (and her Smart Elf friends) sing and then the one on the bottom is Mads introducing herself.
As a little backstory to the introduction...When she would practice at home she would say her name and what she does for Santa. She has become enamored with jelly beans so I told her she should say (half-joking) that she paints the jelly beans for Santa. Well, it's morphed into she picks the jelly beans.
And, here's a link to a video I was invited to view today. It's amazing what this guy can do, that he is an actual guy singing this song. Amazing and weird all at the same time. Click here to view it.
This is while they were filming (while I was still far enough back that I guess it didn't matter if I was taking pictures or not because the guy who told me not to take pictures didn't say anything about me filming). Anyway, you can hear what they say when they finish a scene. The filming is above the vans, if you can see that, then I pan around so you can see what goes on during filming.
This was pretty exciting stuff for "downtown" Arlington. I enjoyed seeing T.V. being made right in front of my eyes.