Monday, March 31, 2008

Secret Pals

First things first! Congratulations to James (my cousin Wendy's husband - that's who I went to see last week and put the pictures of the kids on the blog - remember?). James became a Major in the Air Force today. I would have given anything to have been there to show my support, however, he is in my prayers and I will brag about him on here.

Way to go, James! We are all so very proud of you!

Now, all of you, please say a prayer of support for James that he is able to perform his new duties and uphold his new position with all the integrity and caring and inspiration that he has shown up to now and that God will walk with him in his new "Majorness". By the way, James is a Chaplain in the Air Force, stationed at the Air Force Academy. God be with you, James!

OK, now for last night's post that would have been posted, had I not come home from the festivities wiped out. I'm such a light weight when it comes to partying anymore.

We (the MBS choir) have Lenten Secret Pals every year and we have a big reveal party and this is the first time I've been able to attend. Boy, did we have fun!

Chris and Mike (I will withold last names since I don't have their permission to post it) were our hosts and what a beautiful home they have. Thank you, Chris and Mike for having us.

The theme for food was appetizers (since I can't spell hor's d'oevers - or however you spell it) and YUMMY we have some great cooks in the choir. This is the table (some food came in after I took this so there was even more by the time we ate).
My secret pal was Elaine (in the red shirt, opening a gift) and she was great. My favorite gift was a sonic card that has coupons for things like a Route 44 drink for 99 cents and I am guessing it's never ending since they have NEVER taken the coupon when I've ordered one. Thanks, Elaine, you were a great secret pal!
And, there was definitely a theme last night with the gifts - can you guess it? Yep, WINE!!!! By far, the most popular gift given. Maybe that's saying something about our choir?
Chris, our hostess with the mostest! Thanks again, Chris (and Mike) you put on a great party!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well, if I paid attention to stuff like this, I would have told y'all on my last post that it was number 400 for this blog. Quite a milestone if you ask me. We'll really celebrate on number 500 (assuming I actually pay attention!) So, this is post number 401! Yay, me!

Today was an odd day. At ACA, it was student appreciation day, the Griffin Buck Truck (which I am in charge of) ran, Madeline had dance and it was Eatsie's night (the night when ACA is invited to a restaurant and a percentage of the proceeds goes to ACA). A very busy day by all accounts, however....

Yesterday, Anna started running a fever. The only time she let me keep the thermometer under her arm the whole time, it registered 100.3 which means it was really 101.3. Yuck. By the time she went to bed, it still hadn't broken so no school for Anna today which sent my whole day into a tailspin.

Normally, when the Griffin Buck Truck runs, I drop her off at school and go back to ACA do the Truck until time to pick her up. I had to find someone to run the truck for me. Susan (my friend and VP) was signed up to work the truck all day as well and she couldn't even talk by this morning so I felt compelled to find someone to relieve her, also, so she could rest.

I had already agreed to pick up the donuts for student appreciation day so the big girls and I got up extra early to go pick up donuts, then we got to the school and I passed out "star-student ducks" which were given to 5 students in each class, chosen by whatever means the teacher decided. (Ducks have been a running theme this year with the Truck).

Then I came home and rested with Anna (who didn't feel feverish anymore) until about 10:30 or so which was when Wendy (my cousin) called and said they were coming through on their way from La. to back to Colorado. I was to meet them at Taco Cabana. So Anna and I went to Taco Cabana and visited with Wendy, James (who is about to be a Major in the Air Force), Austin, Alysse, and Ashlea and Mrs. Evelyn who is a family friend and traveling up to Colorado with Wendy and James for the "Major" ceremony.
From left to right: Alysse, Ashlea and Austin who is still car-sick, which is why he looks like he does.

Then Anna and I came home and Anna napped while I got some laundry done and then we went and picked up the girls, took Mads to dance then after I picked her up, we went to Joey's Pizza and participated in Eatsie's night.

It was a weird day, knowing the Griffin Buck Truck was running and I wasn't "driving". Anna being sick (or at least on the downside of it), seeing Wendy and family and not having to cook. Oddly relaxing, yet still weird.

And, I cannot walk outside that I don't get a headache. I guess it's that time of year. I'm sick of the headaches. No other symptoms like runny or stuffy nose, itchy eyes or anything, just a headache and overwhelming tiredness. However, the tiredness is probably from being extremely busy and hating headaches so much. Hate takes so much energy.

Sorry, didn't mean to get grumpy and whiny.

Oh and Madeline was a "Star Student" so she got a "star student" duck. I was so proud.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Just need to brag on my Sadie and her school. All 3rd graders and 5th graders who took the TAKS test this year passed on the first try. Sadie only missed one question. For all the TAKS tests taken so far ACA has an exemplary rating again. I'll keep you posted on the rest of the tests.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lots of stuff

First of all, Happy Easter to EVERYONE!!!!!

I hope this Easter finds you well, surrounded by friends and/or family and that you all remember/find the true meaning of Easter.

My memories of Easter this year will be:

Beautiful Easter Vigil service (Sat. night before Easter Sunday Mass for all you non-Catholics) even though I almost fell off the cantor stand "booster" after I did the Gospel acclaimation.

Lovely Easter Sunday morning breakfast with my friends at church.

My children looking beautiful in their Easter attire.

Feeling at peace with my Lenten time and how "in Lent" I felt I was. I don't ever recall being this in tune with Lent. I even remembered not to eat meat, on Fridays, more than I forgot.

Having Conrad, my girls and Jon (and his friend Nick) here for Easter dinner which was cooked out over the grill and enjoyed by all.

Most of all, remembering that Christ died for all of us, then rose TRIUMPHANTLY from the grave! How wonderful is that?

OK, enough Easter Sunday preaching... on to more worldly things...

When we got home from church, we had an Easter egg hunt. Here are some pics...

After the hunt, we cooked out and I built a fire, since it was a chilly day, and here are Jon and Nick roasting marshmallows on it.
Here's Sadie whittling a stick on which to roast marshmallows.
Madeline lifting "heavy" marshmallow weights.
Anna doesn't roast marshmallows. She sticks them on a stick then eats them raw.

After all these activities, we went on a bike ride and Anna, at some point, fell asleep.

Smooth ride, I guess.
*****OK, before you go any further, I have viewed my blog (how you see it) and I have gone in 3 times to try and put space in (that I put in originally) between the paragraphs and poems, to no avail. I apologize if it is difficult to read. I tried.******
Last night, Conrad tells me that Sadie has found a tooth that she left for the tooth fairy in my nightstand. (As in the tooth fairy came and took the tooth and somehow it magically appeared in my nightstand.) He told her that parents can ask for a child's tooth to remember their "loosing teeth" time by. I thought it was a great cover story. However, when I got home she was intent on asking me about this tooth fairy thing. So we sat in her room and she told me she found the tooth. I asked her what she thought it meant (pretty smart, huh?) and she told me her daddy told her about the asking for the tooth thing. I asked her if she thought that was what happened and she said, hesitantly, "yes".
I asked her what she thought it meant before he told her that and she said that maybe her daddy and I were the ones who put the money under her pillow. I did not deny that observation. I asked her if that would be the worst thing in the world and she said "no". I confirmed her story (I'm trying to use other words in case children read this). I also told her it was her duty and responsibility to make sure the cover isn't blown for Madeline and Anna because there is plenty of time for them to find out the truth.
About five minutes later she asked "what about Santa Claus"? I said "as long as you believe in the spirit of Christmas, Santa will come. She asked "what does that mean?" I told her the truth and that she also had "duty and responsiblity" to keep Christmas alive for her sisters and also other children out there. I told her no one really talks about this because no one wants to ruin it for anyone else.
Then, the Easter bunny question. Confirmation from me.
Today, it's been like a page has been turned in her book. When we were at church, she didn't participate in the egg hunt (she did the one at home, though). She wasn't pouty or sullen or anything, just - I guess - mature is the word for it. She's been quiet today. I asked her before we went bike riding if she was OK. She told me she was tired. I asked if the whole "tooth fairy, Santa, Easter bunny" thing had her bummed and she said "no". I asked her if she felt like she was growing up and she said "I don't know". I said "do you feel all weird inside and you don't know what's going on?" She said "yes". I said "that's you growing up".
I would like to leave you with this beautiful poem that my friend Ann gave me for Easter. If you find yourself praying tonight and need one more person to thrown some blessings on, would you pray some Ann's way? She's going through a rough time right now and she could use some comfort and blessings right about now.
Easter Prayer for Renewal
Lord, send me a surprise.
One that catches me off guard
and makes me wonder.
Like Easter.
Send me a resurrection
when everything looks dead and buried.
Send me light
when the night seems too long.
Send me spring
when the cold and frozen season
seems endless.
Send me an idea
when my mind is empty.
Send me a thing to do
when I am just waiting around.
Send me a new friend
when I am alone.
Send me peace
when I'm afraid.
Send me a future
when it looks hopeless.
Send me Your resurrection
when I die, Jesus.
-Rev. Dr. Herbert Brokering
Thank you, Ann.

Friday, March 21, 2008

New Possums

We were outside tonight, just hangin' out, when Mr. Ricky brought over a box. He says to me "you want to see what's in the box?" Well, of course I do. Mr. Ricky brings over the most interesting things. One time he brought out a rattlesnake (dead) but it scared the bejeepers out of me. It might have just been the rattle, now that I think about it, but it still scared me. Anyway, back to tonight...He takes the lid off the box and there is a baby possum. Here it is.
It had fallen out of its' nest by his patio (fantastic patio, by the way). He scooped it up and put it in the box.

All the kids thought it was the cutest thing. Then, Anna comes out and sees it. She was amazed.

This video of her isn't the best visually, but you can hear her say "possum". Cracked us up.

more pictures

As promised, I have more pictures from Spring Break. These were taken with my Iphone, I had already taken my purse (which was holding my camera) back to the car because I was tired of lugging it around.

Outside of Bass Pro Shops there was this template for pictures. I took these in the exact order you see here...

And, here's pistol packing Nonnie! The girls just had to see the gun. Don't worry, the ammo and some other part were in separate parts of the house, so as not to be able to be used all at the same time (at least while they were around).
I am AMAZED at my mother's enthusiasm with this shooting thing. She appears to be good at it, according to the body target things you shoot at at the range. She had them for us to see. I am truly impressed with her ability. Way to go Mumsey!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Our Spring Break '08

Buckle up! It's gonna be a long blog. This is our Saturday through Wednesday of spring break at Nonnie's house.

Technically, it only goes to Tuesday afternoon since the battery on the camera ran out while we were at the park on Tuesday. But, you'll get the main highlights.

Friday night, I had all the intentions of getting up early on Saturday and hitting the road with a vengence. Well....Saturday morning comes in like a lamb and we all slept late for some much needed rest. As you all remember, Friday we had the "Jump Rope for Heart" festivities as well as getting out for Spring Break, etc. festivities to attend to so Saturday morning we were all moving very slowly. Plus, Conrad had a soccer game at 8:45 on Friday night so he wasn't for getting up early either. They won their game, by the way. Great way to start the season, Ducks!

We finally got on the road. We had sandwiches at the rest area in Van, Tx. then Anna drifted off until we got to Nonnies. When we got out of the car, this is how I found her. Her finger is caught in her hair. No telling how long she rode like that.
Since Saturday was our (Conrad and my) anniversary (11th, thank you for asking) my sister and brother-in-law treated us to dinner out, Macaroni Grill for us, thank you - very delicious. When we got back home, Nanny (my sister Pamela) and the girls were decorating eggs for the egg hunt to take place on Sunday.

Even Anna got in on the decorating. They decorated, I think, about 4 dozen eggs. Some were lost to the boiling process but we had plenty!

Sunday morning, we all got up and went to church at my Mom's church. The girls all got to wear their Easter dresses so I took pictures. Although I ususally don't show them in their Easter dresses until at least Easter day (usually it doesn't happen until Monday) I figured I'd go ahead and let you see the pictures.

Anna has her silly on.
Probably my favorite picture of all 3 of them.
Now, they all have their silly on.
Isn't Sadie growing up?
Madeline, too.

Since it was Palm Sunday, they were giving out palms to everyone to wave at "Jesus" as he entered the church. When Mom told me "Jesus" was going to be there, I said "you Methodists do have connections, don't you?".
The girls waiting to wave their palms.
Always the lady, Anna sure knows how to be patient!
Here's "Jesus".
Waving the palms.

Now, on to the Easter egg hunt. Anna got to go first. She had to have a little help, but once she got the hang of it, she was all in.

And, then it was Madeline and Sadie's turn.

Not all the eggs were hidden too hard. This one, however, was one of the last ones found.

About a week after Easter, in Cajun country, you "pock" eggs. Since we had to speed everything up, we did it after the hunt.

Pocking eggs is when you take two Easter eggs and tap them together until one of them breaks. The egg that is still intact after the pocking is the winner. You continue on in this manner until they are all broken and one egg is declared the winner. Then (if you were at my sister's house) you would take all the eggs outside and, one by one, toss them in to the cow pasture. However, since we were "in the city", they were disposed of in several manners. Some were eaten, some were dropped and some were eventually just thrown away.
On Monday morning, we went down to the Boardwalk. It was all bedecked for Easter.

While shopping for an outfit, Anna found some shades.
We rode the merry-go-round. Madeline let Anna ride with her (how sweet!).
Then off to have some lunch. I will always hold on to this pictures so that when Anna says "my sisters don't love me" I can show her that, at one time, they did.

We went to Sonic located in "Bass Pro Shop". Anna walked around like this almost the whole time.
We went to Target to get a couple of new games so that on Tuesday, when it was supposed to rain all day, we would have something besides TV to keep us amused. They couldn't wait until Tuesday to play "Go Fishin'"
I, of course, couldn't resist the "crack" picture of Anna.
Tuesday, we went to see "Horton Hears A Who". Very cute movie, although I don't understand the choice of song at the end (if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about - do you get it? If you haven't seen it and do, please let me know if you get it). I thought (other than the song) it was a great movie version of a Dr. Seuss book.
And, since it did NOT rain, we went to the park. We fed the ducks and played on all the equipment. I am using "we" in the royal sense of the word. I personally took pictures, swung Anna and sat and chatted with Mom until the wind got too bad and she went and got in the car.

This was when my camera died. I had no way of recharging the batteries at Mom's house so we just had to go with the flow. I do have a few more pictures that I took on my Iphone that I will put on her for tomorrow for your enjoyment. I think these will keep you busy enough for today.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Jump Rope for Heart '08

We'll start with a picture from Wednesday. Madeline has soccer practice on Wed. evenings and Sadie and Anna have to go with us and luckily they practice at a school with a great playgroud. I was looking for Sadie and Anna and I found them at the monkey bars. Sadie was holding Anna up so she could "walk" the monkey bars. I walked up to take this picture and I could hear Anna saying "hard! hard!". As in this is hard to do! She had "walked" quite a ways when I snapped this picture.

The next 4 pictures come from Jump Rope for Heart at ACA. I did take pictures of Sadie and Anna, however, my camera wouldn't download them for some reason. Thankfully, my friend, Jessica, sent me these pictures. It tells the story much better than mine because I wasn't actually out there when this happened. Here is Madeline "jumpin' for heart". This picture was taken while she was jumping in the "last person standing" part of the competition.
I happened to be in the hallway while this part of the competition was going on and Jessica runs in and says "Madeline is one of the last two in the last person standing! I'll take pictures!". I was so excited to hear she was one of the last two. This is of the girls encircling her cheering "Madeline, Madeline" as she is waiting for the other person to give out as she stays her course.
YAY! SHE WON!!!!!!! These are the girls giving a group hug after the competition was over. It brought tears to at least one mothers' eyes to see such a show of sportsmanship by the other girls.
Here she is with her medal. She is so proud and so are we all. Even Sadie was proud of her.

She's the one on the left, in case you couldn't tell.

After school, we went to McDonalds. Anna is enjoying some ice cream


Sorry about the change back to the "old" looking blog. I think my blog was "hijacked" by the new background, judging from the complaints I had about not being able to leave comments and the "error on line 54" problem and man, so not worth it for all the problems I was having. So, I'll try again another time to "gussie" up my blog.
Have a great spring break, we'll try to keep you posted on all our goings on.