I've always wanted readers to find my blog (without me sending out an e-mail and asking you to go read my newest post (which by the way, there's another new post under this one!).
So, my friend (in real-life and bloggy-life) Elaine whose blog you can catch here alerted me to this Ultimate Blog Party. So, in an attempt to gain new readers and find new blogs that I may like to read everyday I am joining the party! I probably won't do the balloons like she did (I hate the way they sound, feel, mess up the house) but I will use it as an excuse to party hardy all week long!
Here's the invite to the party if you'd like to join us...

I hear there are party gifts and everything so what the hey? I'm going to go party till my socks fall off, oh wait, they're already off. OK, until my pants come off....oh wait...just kiddin', I'm dressed.
And if any of you are new readers, please leave a comment. If you know where to go to "dress up" my blog, please let me know. I feel it's very plain vanilla and I am SO all about the chocolate or orange sherbet or fudge brownie swirl, or well, you get the idea.
So, all you faithful readers, look for some changes in the coming days or maybe weeks. Who knows how long it will take.
Anyway, hope you join me for the party!
I will attempt to introduce myself to the new readers of my blog:
I am a SAHM of 3 girls. I also have two big boys, one who lives on his own (successfully!) and one who lives in Washington State with his father. He's very into the theatre (stage productions) and is a lovely young man. The oldest son works with my husband and has a lovely girlfriend and it's wonderful having him here, close.
My girls are 9,7 and 2. The two-year-old is potty training (can I get a woohoo?) and is doing fantastic at it. The 7 year old is generating quite the buzz on the soccer field and the dance studio and the 9 year old? She's started a blog. Oh yeah. Can I be prouder? Now, if I can just get her to update it...I digress...
Some of my favorite things are: my family, the Texas Rangers - hey, it's about to be a new season and new dreams can be dreamt - Oscar Night, opening day of baseball (at the Ballpark in Arlington), watching the new stadium for the Cowboys go up, chocolate (especially Reese's Peanut Butter Cups), Sonic Dr. Pepper amid a host of other yummy things.
I started this blog because I enjoy writing about things my family does. I wanted to "put it down somewhere" where my family - near and far - could also enjoy the escapades of this wacky family. Sometimes, things happen and all I can think of is I'll be so happy to share this with the world. However, my "world" is pretty much my family and friends and my family's friends. So, with this Ultimate Blog Party I hope to gain some new readers. Please come in a stay awhile. Take a load off and read some of the antics of my little family. The stories you read here? They're all true.
So, since they're giving the stuff away...and I need to list my prize preferences...well, I just will!
I am really into bags and I enjoy cookbooks (just the books, not the cooking! - OK, I enjoy cooking sometimes, too) I would like to win prize #100 offered by Jill Norwood.
I really would like a blog make-over (see post above!) so #24 offered by Sweet n' Simple Design, or #45 offered by Summer or #67 offered by Shauna would be great. Keep in mind, I have a blogspot blog so if they can't work with that, I'll have to forgo those.
I love shopping, so #117 would be great, a gift card to Target offered by Mommy Bytes.
And I love to scrap so #122, scrapbooking stuff offered by Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders would be awesome.
If all those are gone, my preferences are: 20, 61, 74, 82, or 86.
Yay - glad you joined the party! And thanks for givin' me a "plug!"
Have FUN!
Thanks for stopping by my blog party. I personally like your blog "look" so many blogs are so cluttered it makes it hard to actually read anything!
Nice to meet you - hope you enjoy the party - party hearty... take care and don't be a stranger...
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