This possum's picture was taken in my neighbor Ricky's shed. We were looking for their kitten (the brother of Banda) and came across the possum. What a find!
Everyday funny things happen. I am publishing them here to make you smile.
This possum's picture was taken in my neighbor Ricky's shed. We were looking for their kitten (the brother of Banda) and came across the possum. What a find!
"High School Musical" is a Disney product. Clean, wholesome, catchy music, etc. Everything a couple of girls need to get through the summer. I anticipate knowing all the words myself, soon.
God Bless the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. Please say a prayer for them everyday but especially today, Memorial Day.
We Wangler women went to see "Little Women" the musical today. It was very good. According to Barbara and Anita, all the players had moles on their faces. I had to tell them it was their microphones. It was very funny. But I will tell you the props (couches, chairs) would move in and out seemingly by magic. We couldn't see any cables, etc. If anyone would care to shed some light on this, we bumpkins would appreciate it. (Consensus theory is remote control.)
Then we came back to our house for enchiladas, beans, Sangria and Margaritas. While we women ate, the men and Madeline went to the Ranger game. And while they were at the game, we went to Payless shoes (BOGO going on! - see previous pic of Barbara's new shoes) and Wally world. DO NOT let Barbara in Wally world after a few glasses of sangria! She's all over that place! And then we sloughed dead skin off our feet and painted toe nails. Then, finally, the men and Madeline got back and visiting and laughter ensued. A great time was had by all. Thank you, Barbara, Anita, George, Paul, Rachel and Daniel for such a wonderful time. You're welcome here anytime. And thank you Dana for the beautiful pitcher as you can see it was perfect for the Sangria.
Clairifier: Driver to Payless and Wally world had not partaken of aforementioned Sangria or Margaritas. (at least not until she got back!!!!)
By the way, the blue on Sadie's behind yesterday was blue marker that had bled onto her swimsuit, unbeknownst to me before she got into the sprinkler. I have to say that was the most asked question today.
I've got one for you...Katherine or Taylor? Those of you who know what I'm talking about let me know what you think. Those of you who don't know, I am certain, do not care. That girl is beautiful don't you think? And he certainly has a charm all his own. Tough call.
She didn't get homesick until last night according to my mom. That's pretty good for a 5 year old, I think. Now she was the only child there and had my mom's undivided attention and had her wrapped around her finger so that may have had something to do with it. But doesn't every kid need to feel like the only one at some time? I'm so happy she had the experience and had a great time, too. Thanks mom!!!!!!
By the way, the reason Anna and I are the only humans in the house this weekend is because it is Mother's Day weekend. Confused? Don't be. What I wanted for Mother's Day is peace and quiet after two weekends of my darling husband being gone. And being the darling he is he took the take the kids somewhere where I'm not before I go crazy look in my eye seriously. I love my husband. I will be topping off my weekend with a little culture when I go see "A Chrous Line". I'll let you know how it is.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. Especially Mumsey, Auntie B., Wendy and Pamela (you are the "mother" and protector of all kinds of creatures). I love you all and thank you for your love and encouragement. May you all be blessed with peace this Mother's Day.
I must tell you of my computer woes this morning. Let me start by saying that last night we went to opening night of the Ft. Worth Cats (minor league baseball team). Sorry Michele, yes, I skipped choir for it, I'm not proud but we all make our choices and we have to live with them. OK, having said that...
On our way out there, I realized I forgot the camera. I truly wanted to turn around and get it but thought my family would disown me if I even suggested it so I pondered and came up with "well, there won't be many kodak moments out there". WELL, let me tell you...We saw - Championship rings being handed out, Fergie Jenkins (baseball fans will know, non baseball fans won't care), Dodger (the mascot) being flown in on a police helicopter (is that really the wisest use of this public resource?), Madeline posing with said mascot (that one is captured on my phone but I have no way of knowing how to download it), a victory for the Cats, a pretty decent fireworks/laser show and lots of hunky visiting team baseball players all standing around where we parked. That last one was really the icing on the kick me because I forgot the camera cake.
A good time was had by all especially Uncle Ernie. However, we didn't get in until after midnight. How my daughter functioned at school today (and with core knowledge testing, to boot) I have no idea. I need to relinquish my card in the good moms club. OK, on to the computer...
This morning I was going to look up something on the computer and it rebooted itself just out of the blue. It finished and my attention was diverted by that cute little baby I'm always posting pictures of and I turn around and the computer goes black. You can tell there's no power to it and it's just dead. Well, it was too much for me to handle after not much sleep so I went and put Anna down for a nap and snuggled with Madeline (with my eyes closed) while she watched cartoons (again, no good mom card for me today). As I'm trying to rest my weary brain/body all I can think about is this computer. It's broken, we'll never be able to get it fixed, I don't think we kept the box they tell you to keep just in case you need to send it in to be fixed. Do we have a warranty? And most importantly, what about my blog? How much will happen and how long will it be before I can get the computer fixed so I can update my blog? Weeks? Months? Oh, woe is me!!!!
After I rested awhile I got up and started trying to figure out what to do. I unplugged and plugged the power cord then I decided to turn off and on the power strip that all the plugs are in and noticed that the strip is plugged into an extention cord (is that really smart? I'm thinking "no"). I check the extention cord and lo and behold it's not plugged in. I plug that puppy in and voila! Everything starts turning on. I FIXED THE COMPUTER!!!!!!!! Now my friend Katie says that I didn't fix it. I say I found the source of the problem and got the thing working again. That's fixing it.
By the way, I've changed whatever it was that was keeping people from being able to leave comments. So, if a picture or opinion expressed in this post moves you to express an opinion, you no longer have to keep it to yourself. Feel free to opine.
OK, you see the front row of highlighted girls? The second one from the left with the longish blonde hair is Kelsey. They are singing "Hey, Mickey". The theme of the evening was "One Hit Wonders". Other songs sang were "Achy Breaky Heart" (which I'm sorry but Billy Ray had more hits but whatever...) and "Ghostbusters" again, I think the crooner of that had more hits.
The finale was the ending of "Dirty Dancing". If you've ever seen it you know it ends with the "Camp Song" and it gets interrupted with "I Had The Time Of My Life" and the infamous "nobody puts Baby in the corner" scene. Then "Baby" "dirty dances" with the "bad boy" and eventually jumps off the stage into his arms. Well, in this rendition, Kelsey runs up the aisle and jumps into her daddy's arms and does a beautiful pose in the air. It was tissue time for our row. This is them as her daddy catches her on their way up. I had to put this in...I had a perfect view until neighbor Ricky showed up and sat in front of me. Sorry Ricky, just had to do it.
And here's your daily dose of Anna showing you how she knows how to play "peek-a-boo". She's so smart.