I think it's funny that she thinks she has "viewers". Cracked me up when I watched it.
My sweetheart and I went to the Knights of Columbus Valentine's Dance tonight. We had a blast. We sat with choir people (on the dance floor, we were "choir members gone bad") and laughed and danced and had a lovely time. Ann, our terrific piano player had 4 dates. Here they are:

Ann and Bill

Ann and Sallie

Ann and Josh

This is Joan (she's a soprano but we really like her anyway) and her husband John. For some reason, now I think it might be Jon but, however you spell it, they're a cute couple.
Carl and his actual wife, Sandy. She's in the choir and has been filling in for our fearless leader who has been down in the back. I said "fearless" not "painless".
Sallie's son Mark and his lovely wife, Renee, who is expecting. Boy, I hope I got her name right. Now, I'm filled with doubt but if I made a mistake, I apologize. It's late and I'm ready for SLEEP!
This is Ann and since she "rates" we all got to sit together. This is her sign.

Here's video of Sallie and Ann doing the "chicken dance". See the fun we Catholics have?
Ok, the last thing is that I won a 1 hour massage in the raffle. How cool is that? I can't wait to use it.
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