Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A new addition to the family
Well, I just got this picture in my e-mail.
Congratulations to Scott and Ashley Grimes! They welcomed the newest addition to the Wangler Family. Scott is Conrad's nephew and Ashley is his wife. Last night around 7pm, they welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world. She is as yet unnamed but I will keep you posted when they let us know.
This is the happy family.
The cat blog
I was so proud of her! No telling how many times she's done that and we don't even know it.
Now, if I can just teach her to flush...
Monday, January 28, 2008
Yesterday, Sadie decided to put up the easel that Anna got for Christmas from Mrs. Elsa (she calls Anna "my friend" and loves her and Anna always acts like she doesn't care until Mrs. Elsa tries to walk away). Anyway, Sadie put it up for her and here she is enjoying it.
As an update, we've had some pretty uneventful days in Wanglerworld. I can't say the same for church. We've had 6 funerals in 9 days. Today, we had the funeral for our Deacon Jim. He was a lovely man and he will be missed.
The girls got their report cards! This falls under the category of GREAT NEWS! Sadie and Madeline both made straight A's and all E's (for conduct) which entitles them to all sorts of free stuff all over town, should I have the ooomph to take them all those places which right now I don't. But, I have a copy of the report cards in my purse so if we run across a few freebies, we'll take advantage.
Sadie made it to the second round of the spelling bee. She missed harpsichord. She spelled it harpsicord. I don't think she'll soon forget how to spell it correctly. I didn't know it at the time, but there were only 6 3rd graders who got in the spelling bee and she was one of them. Woohoo!
Ok, so there's all your good news from here for now. I gotta run and pick up children~!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Happy Birthday, Madeline
Monday was a holiday here. Probably most places it was. MLK, Jr. day.... so my children put on a show first thing in the morning. It was acted out by Madeline, accompanied, on the piano, by Sadie. This is Mads doing "I'm a little tea pot". As you faithful readers know, that's a sentimental favorite in our family.
Today is Madline's 7th Birthday. There were alot of birthdays of her friends this month and alot of other stuff going on so I made a deal with her. She could invite one friend out to eat on her birthday and then we'd have a big blowout swimming party on her 1/2 birthday in July. She liked the idea so that's what we're going with.
This is her with Kolton (her invited guest) being sung to by the waitstaff at Pancho's - her choice of restaurant. She also got to take home the pinata. Like that hat? I got it for her.
This is my middle baby girl and her sister. My how she's grown. This time 7 years ago, I had already brought her home (the joys of midwifery) and was enjoying watching her sister explore her and get to know that little creature who would come to bring so much joy to our lives.
This is her back in December of '04. Look how much she's grown.
I was looking through old pictures for one of her and my Mom. I had asked her what she wanted from Nonnie and she thought about it for a minute then said "a picture of her, so I won't be so lonely without her". How sweet is that? Nonnie also got her a lil webkiz (and if you don't know what that is, it's only all the rage with the "tween" set. Anyway, the lil kinz her Nonnie got her was the "pet of the month" so she got all kinds of cool stuff on the website (all virtual) and her delight amazed me. It did not, however, shine quite as bright as her face when she saw the picture of her and her Nonnie, all framed in a pretty silver w/hearts picture frame.
As is my custom, on my children's birthday, I shall tell you a little about my Madeline. The picture I put up on here of her in '04 is one of my favorites. It shows her creative flair. The creative gods spent a little extra time with her. They bestowed upon her a flamboyant taste in clothes. Her favorite skirt used to be (until it was just worn out - by the way, another gift from her Nonnie) a blue/brown/gold/white/yellow number that had netting on the outside in those colors and I believe a brown underskirt. It suited her to a tee. I tried to find another one this year but to no avail.
She's also very dramatic. Not really in the "life's not fair" sense, although she can get that going, too. But, the world is her stage. We are all merely the audience for her life. She'll sing her heart out for you. She's not afraid of directing the choir - I'm talking about the adult choir at church. Lots of mature adults and she'll get in front of them and help Michele direct them like she knows what she's doing.
She's a mommy's (and Nonnie's) girl. She'd rather be with me than most others. Although her Daddy rates right up there, too. And she's not afraid of spending the night out (in fact loves to do it). She makes friends easily and often. She's a giver, a caretaker, a nurturer. It will be Madeline standing in our room on a Saturday morning bringing us breakfast in bed. She's been booted from every bedroom and bed in this house. As in, a room is hers to live in then Anna comes along so she has to move in with Sadie. Then, Sadie wants her own room so she moves in with Anna. She finally will get the top bunk, but Anna falls out of the bottom one because it has no rails so back to the bottom Mads goes, without so much as a tear shed. She's adaptable, is what I'm saying.
There's no hug like a Madeline hug. You know you've been hugged when she's done with you. When I wake her up in the morning and say "Madeline, it's time to wake up. Are you ready to face the day?" she almost always responds with "yes, I am ". When she is happy, she is sunshine on earth. When she is sad, it's usually for a decent reason and it's like a gray cloud has come over everything.
She does have her moments of "middle child syndrome". I really think all the descriptions above are all excellent examples of that. But the bad ones? Every now and then, she'll get upset because it seems like Sadie always gets her way. And she probably does more often than not, because Madeline is more adaptable. But that's something I need to work on, not Mads.
I love this child. She loves me. There is no doubt in my mind about either of those statements. I cannot imagine my life without her and "God willing" I'll never have to. I thank God, everyday, for sending her to us. What a sad world it would be, indeed, should there be no Madeline in it.
Happy Birthday, Madeline. I love you.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Little black cloud
While I do NOT want this blog to become a "whine" blog, in an effort of full disclosure, I feel I should tell you of the bad stuff as well as the good. And there is good stuff at the end of this post.
Last night, we had ACA's Eatsie's Night at Khaki's in South Arlington. As the PTO President, I felt there should be a PTO presence there the entire 4 hours, so the plan was that I would take Sadie and Anna with me and my friend's Mom would pick up Madeline from dance (she was already picking up her grandson there) and they would meet us down there. Then, we would wait for Conrad and, depending on how long it took him to get there, the girls would either eat before he got there or eat with him. Then he would take them home and I would stay and make sure all the ACAers were welcomed and knew what to do.
Well, let me tell you, 3 children in a restaurant and mingling with a crowd do NOT mix. Those children drove me crazy. Finally, about 6:30, I believe, Conrad called and said he wouldn't be making it. Talk about driving blood pressure up! I asked why (in that smarmy voice I can have when things aren't going according to my plan). He proceeds to tell me he had a "little" accident on the way home and he can't drive the truck. He was on Division St. bridge going over 360 (a three lane road) and he was behind an 18 wheeler in the right hand lane and decided to change lanes into the center lane and someone was trying to turn left - yes, from the center lane, so they were stopped and he ran into the back of them. Lovely. All around lovely.
My poor truck. I say mine, but Conrad has probably driven it longer than I did at this point. But, I got the little blue truck when I was getting my divorce from Jon 15 years ago. It was my "statement of independence". "I don't need a man, I have my own truck", etc. You know what I mean. So, the little blue truck is out of commission, has probably reached an unglamorous end to an awesome life. It's little headlight is hanging down like one of those toys with springy eyes, but you know it won't pop back in, it's front fender off like it's smile has been ripped from it's little face. It's so sad.
So we're down to one car. Not a fun proposition in our busy house.
I have to say, Conrad tried to fix the truck. He gave it the old college try but it's just too far gone, I think. Even I gave up on it before he did. He just wouldn't give up. He was going to put a spare on and drive it back to work, then he looked behind the seat to get his tools to change the tire only to discover his tool set had been stolen. Then found that the one in the garage had been stolen, too. Now Conrad's not a "doom and gloom" kind of guy, but this triple whammy really got to him. You could tell a change in his demeanor and his final give up "I guess you'll have to drive me back to work" was just sad.
So there is the - hopefully - final chapter of the black cloud at the Wangler house.
There was one bright spot in my otherwise crappy yesterday. One of the third grade teachers stopped at the table where we were and told us that Sadie made the spelling bee. She was proud, I was proud, it was a proud moment for us all. Yay, Sadie! Way to make the sunshine!
Oh, several other good things happened. I guess it's all what you focus on, huh? Ok, anyway, our heater guy got here right when I was walking out the door and fixed the heater ($118 worth of fixing took maybe 60 seconds). And the best part? AMERICAN IDOL STARTED!!!!!
I know, I know, it's shallow and inconsequential for most people but dang it, I needed some levity and escape and American Idol delivered. Thank you, Fox and reality T.V.!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Anyway, no new news on the employment front, although, my bank teller told me about 1-800-Flowers.com and I went there and I fit all the requirements so I may look into that to tide me over until a "real" job comes my way.
I did speak to another Medical Transcription job place (well, IM'd with them) and they hire newbies but you have to buy their software. Again, if I could buy their software, I wouldn't be in this predicament. aaaarrrrgggghhhh. Maybe if I work at the flower thing and make the money for the software.....hmmm, that needs some thinking on it.
And, just for kickers, our heat is out today. And, oddly, I do know we paid the bill. We just paid it on Friday and we have hot water (the pilot light is on and everything) so I know it's not that. And, of course, it's supposed to get really cold tonight. Yay us! The heating guy is supposed to come sometime this afternoon. I hope he gets here before I have to leave this freezing house.
And, Sadie is home sick today. She threw up last night. YUCK! So, all those grandiose plans I had for today are out the window. Although, I did get alot done on the computer. All my various things I need to be sending out as PTO President have now been printed and are ready to go up to the school for copying and sending out. The bad thing about Sadie being home is that she had perfect attendance going this year. It was an actual goal of hers that she shared with me early in the year. I feel bad for her because she doesn't feel bad now, but you have to be 24 hours puke free before you can return to school.
Well, that's all the news from here. Hope you all have wonderful, warm, puke-free day!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Career assistance
And, as a side note, perhaps I shouldn't be writing about this while my wounds are fresh. You know, all those wounds from the Cowboys loss, my searing headache from last night (all DURING the Cowboy game, keeping me from cheering them on to victory in any sort of auditory way - that's why they lost, sorry other Cowboy fans - it's all my fault) and hearing what you have to pay for career assistance. However, I will share anyway.
So, I call this place and say that I see they have career assistance. She looks me up on the computer and says "well, I see you didn't purchase it". purchase it? purchase it? Who in the world purchases career assistance? I ask her how much it is and as if even speaking of money will sear the inside of her mouth in a way hot pizza never has, she connects me to the "admissions office" so I can find out how much this career assistance will cost me. The nice man tells me that LIFELONG career assistance will cost me $900, would I like to purchase it. I tell him that if I had $900 I wouldn't need career assistance. He says perhaps they can break it down into payments for me. Well, buddy, if I had a J O B maybe that would be OK. However, if I don't have a J O B I still can't even pay payments. And, I didn't ask, but I'm pretty sure your career assistance has to be paid before they actually assist you. He actually said to me "if you situation changes, call us back". As I am restrainig myself from slamming down the phone, I say out loud - passive agressive behavior at it's best - If my situation changes, it means I have a job and don't need your stinkin' career assistance and then I threw in a good expletive there because no one was around to hear it. Made me feel a little better but I am now still a CMT without a job.
So, while this blog was never meant to document any sort of search, except maybe my sanity - that should last a lifetime - I will keep you all abreast (I know all the men are laughing, it's ok) of the job search. Current mood? frustrated.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Today was an exciting day on our little block. This morning there was excitement and then this afternoon there was excitement. The events of the morning will be shown here when my neighbor has a little more humor about it. Ricky, let me know when it's safe to post those pictures! :) Suffice it to say, it is one of those things that needs a little time before it's not blood-pressure-increasing, palpitation-inducing or head exploding, don't want the world to see it (to the people it happened to). Now, me? I'd be posting the pictures on the blog tonight, however, Ricky, when I told him I took pictures, said "yeah, go put them on your blog for the whole *#@$&%$ world to see" and he was not a happy man about it. So, out of respect for him, I shall not post them until he say I can.
I will tell you, police were on our block, certain people are not allowed on our block for 3 months, tow truck, fire truck all that - out here. You just can't wait, can you? Well, you'll have to.
Now, this I can show you. Not nearly as exciting but kinda funny nonetheless. I was walking across the street today and one of the boys who lives on the street (and can be here for the next 3 months) said that there was a possum. I told him we have two that live in our garage. I started thinking about it and I asked him "a possum is out here, right now?" and he said yeah. So sure enough, here comes the possum out and about during broad daylight. I go get the girls and they are all excited about the possum. I have lots of video of it but this one is the funniest because at the end, he gets a little too close to me. But, on one of the videos I'm not putting on here, you can kinda here Anna telling the possum "cheese" as if to tell him to smile because I have the camera on him.
So, I'm sorry I'm keeping you in suspense about all our excitement but, again, Ricky won't find it amusing if I put it on here tonight. But, if you see me, you can ask me what happened and I'll tell you.
Oh, and guess who passed her Medical Transcription final with a 90%? Oh yeah, that would be ME!!!!! I am officially a Certified Medical Transcriptionist. Sure, I finally get a degree of some sort and I'm still unemployed, go figure.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Helmet head!
Today, I got an e-mail from Mr. Simon asking me if I could be up at the school today at 2:30 because the mayor was going to deliver on his promise and would I take pictures (and, Sadie was one of those kids without a helmet).
So, Anna and I went up to the school and watched and took pictures while the kids got their helmets. Here are some of the pictures. You local people, watch for more pics in the paper sometime soon.
Sadie and Mr. Simon with her new helmet.
The whole group with all their helmets.
Helmet head!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Christmas pictures '07
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New Year's Eve!
These are my boys! Handsome and tall! We had a blast while Aaron is here and I love that they get along so well and enjoy each other's company. Gives me hope for the girls.
Then, on to the New Year's Eve party. What are you looking at Anna, that has your hair standing on end? Yeah, I know, it's static, but it's still funny!
Sadie, laying the trap for our annual laugh at people driving by and popping our pop-its. See this blog for last year's romp. OK, don't click on anything, I went back to link last year's New Year's Eve party on here and I guess they get dumped after a certain amount of time. It only went back to February. Sorry! You'll just have to know we get a big kick out of unsuspecting people driving right into our Pop-It trap!
Mr. Ricky being the "grillmaster".
Lisa, my neighbor, calls me in and tells me that Anna wants her picture taken. I look over and she's sitting there like this, holding up my camera, saying "picture". Is she a ham or what?
First picture of the new year! Aren't Lisa and Phillip cute?
Our first picture of the new year. Awwww!
And, finally, roasting of marshmallows. Yummy!
Wangler Christmas Party, '07
Madeline went fishing by herself which sent Grandma Peggy into a tizzy. She couldn't stand it that Mads was out there by herself, even though she goes it alone all the time. Finally, Mads started back and Grandma walked her in.
This is Aaron, fighting off the efforts of his little sisters...
...and, winning.
Anna following Daddy. How sweet!
The Saturday after Christmas
We went and got Auntie B. and Uncle Howard at the Airport on Saturday. This is them in all their glory! Go Air Force!
When I had gotten back from airport duty, I noticed someone had affixed Anna's binkie to her face with a band-aid. Very creative. I've often wanted to place velcro on the sides of her face and binkie to keep the "where's the binkie" game down to a minimum.
Later, I went out into the garage and heard alot of leaf rustling outside of the garage. I thought to myself, "that doesn't sound like a cat" and went out and there was the newest "Pogo". I'm sure it's one of the original "Pogo"s prodginy but there's no way to really tell. I don't tag them and study them or anything. But this thing came right up to me, freakin' me out!