Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Some housekeeping

OK, so I know I haven't updated for awhile and for that I apologize.

Let's see what's gone on since I last updated...

Well, I am the PTO President again. People ran for every post (or volunteered immediately after the election) but mine.

I've been sick for what seems like forever. Oddly, I feel better today than I have in at least two weeks and I sound worse than ever. My voice is scratchy and awful sounding. I started with some sort of stomach thing and had an ear infection (I know why babies are so fussy when they have one) they are NO fun. Now, I guess I'm into the whole allergy, spring, coughing, stuffy head, no fever, can't rest well illness. I'm sick of being sick. I can, however, count my blessings. My friend Susan has been sick for 4 or 5 weeks now and still no real diagnosis. They are thinking either a virus that has caused her immune system to attack her joints or Lupus. I'm hoping for a virus. Please keep her in your prayers. I miss having my friend to pal around with.

In between illnesses, I had an all-day scrapbook day at the church. It went over well, I thought. People want to do it again so I guess I'll try to set that up. What fun that will be!

Conrad made Anna a little stool so she can reach the "big girl potty" and she now uses it at will. Yay us!

We've lived through various and sundry storms that have been unleased upon North Texas. One of them had the tornado siren going off (I had a fever that night) and the girls required me to get into the bathroom with them. I couldn't tell (in my fevered state) if it was the siren or the stadium howling. I decided to go back to bed. I figured if the storm had the audacity to hit my house while I was sick in bed with a fever then so be it. I'd just be twistered away to OZ. I just didn't want it to wake me up.

Madeline's soccer season has ended, Sadie took her last TAKS test (today) and the school had their Auction. I must say, it was alot of fun. Next year, maybe I'll have some money to spend at it. It would seem those people were really having alot of fun bidding on various naming rights and trips. I could have had the PTO room named after me for a mere $105.00 (I assume I would have won at that since it only went for $100). Oh well, maybe next year.

OK, when I downloaded my pictures, I found this video, which I remember taking - but don't know when. I still think it's cute. It's pretty self-explanatory, Madeline and Sadie dancing with naked Anna joining in at some point. Enjoy.

Madeline has a project due tomorrow on the habitat of an animal. Hers was the opossum. I only just now learned that opossum has only one "p". You can thank my first grader for the correct spelling on that one. I must be getting more responsible or something because while we got the project information on Wednesday, we actually started on Sunday (rather than tonight) with the paper mache'-ing of a recycled water bottle (see, I am green!). On Monday, it seemed it would never get dry so I opened the windows and let the sun shine down on it and voila, it was dry by today. So, she painted it and finished the paperwork this evening. Did you know the opossum is the only marsupial in North America? Isn't it cute?

In this picure, I tried to make it look like it was out in the wild. Pretty good, huh? I know, not really, but let me live in my dream world.

I also sent her teacher (via e-mail) the links to this blog with the video and pictures of the various opossums who live in or near this house. I hope she makes an "A". She really did it all herself so she should.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Radio Griffin

Yesterday, I had the privilege to be interviewed by Marcus at Radio Griffin. What's that? You don't know what Radio Griffin is? Well, that's the radio station that the school has. It's at 87.9 on the FM dial and you can pick it up on your radio when you are in the parking lot of the school. It reaches about 1/2 a block beyond in either direction as well.

Anyway, if you'd like to hear my interview, click on this link and find the date 4/22/08 and click on that.

http://radiogriffin.com/audio_page.aspx (Update on post - I forgot to put the link in there the first time so if you tried to click on something and it failed, it is entirely my fault.)

I personally haven't been able to get my computer to do it, but Conrad got his to when I forwarded the link to him so hopefully you will be able to also.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We've been "beand and pea'd"

When I got home today, this was waiting for me at the door...

We've been "beaned"! There's also some black-eyed peas (my personal fav) so I guess we've been "pea'd" also.
Thank you to our mysterious "beanafactor". Oh, I amuse myself.
Happy Earth day! I hope you're doing your part. Me? I...uh...nope I don't think I've done anything differently. I'm sure we'll be producing our own "gasses" later after we eat our beans. (you can laugh) Well, maybe with a little more notice, I could walk the children to school and...well, I don't know. I'll have to look into it. Anyway, hope you're having fun on earth today, anyway.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Young Masters Art Adoption

First, this is the second update of the day so if you missed the first one, please scroll down.

Second, by now you know I don't normally tout any fundraiser type things. However...Sadie had a piece of work selected for the Young Masters Gallery Exhibit and Art Adoption so I am going to let you all know about it and if you're hankering for a piece of work to hang in your office or home, please consider this option.

The Young Masters G.E. & A.A. is where 40 pieces of work created by ACA students are selected and hung in the Coffee Haus on a selected day (this year, April 18) and patrons of the arts are invited to come by and view these masterpieces and adopt one for their home or office for $100. Your "adoption fee" is tax deductible, too!

You can view Sadie's work of art by clicking here. It is an expressionism piece called "Blue Dog".

If you are interested in supporting this cause, either let me know or if you're in the area, go by the Coffee Haus located at: 210 S. Mesquite St., Arlington, TX 76010 from 4-6:30 on Friday.

And, as always, I am not offended if this is not your cup of tea. Please do not be offended by my touting Sadie's art.

My first meme

My friend Elaine (here's her blog) "tagged me to do a meme. I don't know what one is and I don't know how to pronounce it. But, I am supposed to give you 7 random or whatever facts about myself and then "tag" 7 other people with blogs to do it.

OK, you'll get the 7 random facts but I would have to go find 7 more blogs to "tag" and I'm just not up to that right now. I only read 4 faithfully and one of those is Elaine's. So, unfortunately it will end with me but here's my 7 random facts:

1. Wow, I am having trouble with the first one. I thought this would come easily. Hmmmm....

I am crafty. I love crafting most anything. Beads, painting, scrapbooking (a favorite of mine at present) flowers, wreaths, you name it, I'll craft it.

2. OK, that went well. Let's see...

I write my blog like I talk. Not too random but I notice it and people tell me that alot.

3. I like to think that if I won the lottery that I wouldn't change. I'd just be able to give more. And, I would take immense pleasure in giving secretly, like a secret pal thing. You hear a need, you get to help out. How fun would that be? OK, there would be some selfish stuff like paying off bills, building on to the house, a new truck for Conrad and money to family (y'all like that dontcha?) but for the most part, I'd like to be able to just be able to give when I see a need. Oh, and I'd have really cute shoes.

That's not really a fact, just a belief I have. Wonder if that counts? Heck, sure it does.

4. I will not dry a load of clothes unless I have a dryer sheet in there. I hate static cling and hate being shocked doing laundry. I don't much like doing it to begin with and being shocked while doing it is just rude.

5. I love the smell of gardenias. Wish I had a garden full of gardenia bushes.

6. I hate stale bread. Life is too short for stale bread. Rarely does bread go stale in my house but if it does, I won't eat a sandwich with it.

7. Almost done...Let's see...random...or not...anything?...I love pens. Call me a penaholic. I love to try new pens and my personal favs are classic Bic sticks and Papermate's World's smoothest writing pen. LOVE THOSE!!!!!

OK, there's your random facts about me.

Now, here's a story about Madeline.

Last night Sadie and Mads were playing outside and Conrad and I were in our room (not doing anything) and Sadie comes in (see, we really weren't) and says that Madeline has said something about kicking someone's a*%. Now, I am shocked to hear that Madeline was the first to say a curse word but I DO NOT PANIC. I ask Sadie to get Madeine in here on the double (she had to go to the bathroom first but did immediately thereafter). I told Madeline we do not use words like that in this house and had her go to her room and think of a better way to say what she said. When she did, she could come out.

I went into the kitchen and she followed. I asked her how she could have better said that and she said "I will kick your bottom". Well, I guess that was better. Then I remembered something Chris Rock's mom said on some show I watched. She has raised 17 kids (hers and foster kids) and when asked what she does when one of them curses, she said something to the effect of they talk about it and take a tissue and wipe the word out of their mouth. I liked that. So, I took a napkin and had Mads open her mouth and we wiped that a*% right out of there.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Wednesday night (early Thursday morning) another round of storms came in. I awoke for all of about 5 seconds, I guess, when the really hard rain started pummeling the house. We have our windows open so it sounds alot louder than when they are closed. I love this time of year, being able to have the windows open. Anyway, I promptly went back to sleep, hearing no hail or tornado sirens.

Then, yesterday morning, I found a key that I thought might belong to my neighbor Ricky and I called him to ask about it. He says "So, y'all got some hail damage". More of a statement than a question. So I said "No." He says "Have you been outside today?". I told him that I had, that this was my second time to leave the house but I didn't see any damage. He tells me that a big limb from the tree in between our two houses fell and broke the fence.

I was amazed. I didn't hear it, see it, or was in no other way aware that any of this went on. So, when I finally got back home, hours later, I surveyed the damage. Here it is.

My darling husband came home from work and got it all taken care of. Thanks to a chainsaw and some hard work, it looks like this now.
Pretty impressive, huh?
All the limbs stacked neatly and corded for the garbage men to pick up tomorrow morning. Wow, what a man.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Opening Day '08

I'm sorry for the delay in posting my "opening day" blog. But, here it is!

I woke up very happy yesterday, just knowing it was opening day is a happy thing for me. It's like Christmas in April with no gifts to unwrap, no dinner to fix and all other stressors are melted away for just one day. It started out with a little rain but God allowed the rain to stay away for the entire game and then let it loose later on. More on that later.
Here we are walking to the Ballpark. Yes, we walk from our house there. It's Jon and Tylar, and then Conrad, me and the girls.
We had forgotten a binky at home (a major trauma) so when we got inside the Ballpark, I went immediately to the gift shop (very busy place) to see if perhaps they had one. No luck. So, while I was by "Captain's Corner" (the place to buy food for kids for cheap) I got the kids their lunches and was on my way back to our seats. I start hearing them announce the line-up for the Rangers (which happens right before the National Anthem - which I MUST be in my seat for so I can see the fly-over and whoever is singing) so I start to panic. I make it to the escalator which is not working. They're not even letting people on it at the time. We're all lined up to get on it and they act like we may be able to ride it soon and since I'm on the very tippy-top, the escalator is worth waiting for. However, I'm hearing "tick-tock" in my head so I start for the ramp that goes around and around and around and around until you finally get to the top. OH, MY GOODNESS!!!!! If I did that everyday, I'd have beautiful legs, thighs and lugs that expand until I could swim the English Channel underwater.
Finally, I'm up to our seats and I have another 19 rows to climb and people to climb over but I MAKE IT!!!!!
Here is Eric Nadel (the white shirt) and NOLAN RYAN!!!! (in the khaki colored suit) about to throw out the first pitch. Eric threw it, Nolan was there for moral support.

This video is about 3 minutes long. It's the National Anthem, sung by Neal McCoy. I decided to record it because I wanted you all to hear the song, see the Eagle (which if you look real hard - when the people start clapping toward the end - you can see him, his handler is on the pitching mound) and hear the fly-over.

Kinda disappointed? Yeah, me too. I was as far up as you could be and I could have carried on a conversation during that fly-over. I want it LOUD. I want the plane where I can see it. I want to KNOW I've just been buzzed by a B-1 Bomber. Oh well, maybe next year.

Now, I don't want you all to think that I was disappointed in my day. It was fantastic. A wonderful day out with my family. The Rangers lost but that was not what has stuck with me. Please indulge me while I write a letter to Tom Hicks, Owner of the Texas Rangers. If I had one iota of an inkling that he would get it, I would actually send it. But it would be thrown in "file 13" with all other complaints, I'm sure.

So here goes:

Dear Mr. Hicks,

One of my favorite days of the year is Opening Day at The Ballpark in Arlington. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the baseball. Win or lose for the Rangers, it's a major family holiday in my house. We take the kids out of school so they can enjoy the experience and have these memories to last a lifetime.

Up to now, I've never written a complaint to you. However, with the 4th straight year of stale buns I feel compelled to write and tell you what I think about the concessions at the Ballpark. How is it that on OPENING DAY you have stale buns for the hot dogs and brats? I mean, are they left over from last year? Are you going to the Mrs. Baird's seconds store and buying day-old buns? This is ridiculous. Also, yesterday I bought what the concession person told me was a brat (even though I asked specifically about them because I didn't see them on the menu, she told me "oh, yes, we have them"). When I opened it, it was a foot long sausage on a regular size bun. REALLY? You don't have foot long buns? Give me a break. It wasn't enough it wasn't a brat, but then it's all hangin' out of the bun. Mr. Hicks, I need my carbs. Get a bun that fits the sausage.

Also, is it because we're in the cheap seats that there are no interesting food concessions? I mean, I love brats (even sausage ones) and dogs, pretzels, popcorn and the like. But, while I was walking around the bottom trying to find a way up to my cheaps seat - because the escalator wasn't working (hello - can you fix that?) I smelled something yummy and garlic-y, I saw pizzas, mexican food and a bunch of other things that looked like it would taste good going down and I wouldn't mind it sticking to my thighs for a while. While I could use the excersize, I am not walking down to the main concourse to get my food and taking it back up to my seat. I realize as the season rolls on and the Rangers are further and further behind in the standings that less people are buying concessions upstairs, but on OPENING DAY? When all the seats are full? Come on, give us some variety.

Allright, Mr. Hicks, I guess that's all my griping for now. Overall, it was an enjoyable day. You can't do anything about where the B-1 flys over, I know that so I'll let you slide on that one. Thanks for changing the name back from Ameriquest field. I hope Jerry Jones takes a lesson from you on that one or no telling what that new "whistling" stadium will be called.

Sincerely and with great hopes for this year's team,

Lisa Wangler
True Ranger Fan

Thanks for indulging me. I feel better now that that's off my chest.

Now to last night at midnight. I was sleeping very, VERY soundly when I was awakened by very LOUD rain. Obviously hail. I've never heard hail to that degree before. What do I do? Grab my camera, of course, so I can share with you.

You can tell the size by the electic cord that is by the hail.

This was our yard in the middle of the storm. No telling how much was out there by the end. It lasted awhile so I didn't stay up for the whole thing.

And this is the van this morning after last night's storm. It looks like God threw up a salad he ate yesterday at the Ballpark. Look at all the leaves all over the street and driveway and van. What a sight.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I have been validated!

I feel it was my own blog entry (seen here) that made a Ft. Worth Star-Telegram reporter file the following report.

So, as you can see, I now feel as though I am a mover and a shaker. Having an impact on what newspapers print. How can you beat it?

OK, so this won't be my only update today...

IT'S THE RANGERS HOME OPENER TODAY!!!!!!!! I'll tell you all about it tonight.

Have a super-dee-dooper fantastic day.

Thank you, Ann Wood, for sending me the link to this story. I don't know if this was the story you sent, since yours had video, I think. But this is validation enough! Thanks!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Stuck in a tree

Finally! I know now why we have children...to mow the grass!

Sadie decided she wanted to mow the grass yesterday so...WE LET HER!!!! Man, I'm not so sure that was a smart move on her part, now she'll have to do it every time.
She's having just a bit of trouble starting the mower. Her Daddy ended up having to start it.
Looks like hard work, huh?
After the grass was mowed, Mads decided she needed to climb the big tree in the front yard. Her Daddy had to help her with that.
Getting up there's the easy part.
Now she's stuck! Sadie and Anna were cheering her "You can do it, Madeline!"

Finally, she gets down. She was stuck up there for a pretty good amount of time. However, since I've never seen a kid carcass or a cat carcass up in a tree, they all come down at some time.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sad Update

If you're just now reading the blog from the update I sent out on e-mail, there is happier times after this post, just keep scrolling down.

However, I feel compelled to let you all know that Ethan Powell - www.ethanpowell.com - that I started asking you to pray for a little over a year ago lost his battle with leukemia today at 11:37 am. Please pray for Ben and Becky, his parents, who believed, and still do, in the power of prayer and need yours right now.

I, personally, said a prayer for them for comfort and endurance and a prayer of thanksgiving for my own family. I cannot imagine losing a child that young to anything and the sadness they must feel is overwhelming to me. I cannot comprehend it.

I can say with a certainty that God welcomed Ethan into his loving arms and he is now free from leukemia, pain and having to endure all those meds, tubes, pumps and machines. Thank God for that tiny bit of solace.

The wedding of Shelly and Greg

Yesterday evening, we went to the wedding of Shelly and Greg. Shelly is Conrad's (our) niece, daughter of his sister Dana. She and Greg have been dating for 8 years and we ALL were excited when we heard of the impending nuptials. I liked Greg the first time I met him. He made (and still makes) movies and the one I've seen was really good, but don't ask me the name of it because it's been a long time since I've seen it, but I remember I enjoyed it. He and Shelly make a very nice couple and we wish them all the best on their new life together.

So, immediately after Madeline's soccer game we rushed home and got all gussied up and off we went to the wedding. Anna was in her frilly Easter dress and all night would hold the top layer up like a little princess. It was too cute. Here she is twirling...
This is little Chloe Cecilia Grimes, the littlest "Wangler" at the wedding. She's really very cute don't you think? A sweet little angel.

The wedding was in the backyard of a family friend and it was a gorgeous place to have the wedding/reception. There was a pool and up until we left, no one had gone in so everyone must have behaved. The way Anna flitted about it, I thought for sure she would go in. Anyway, these were on all the tables and as the sun set, the candles were lit and it was beautiful. The also had chimineas and open fire pits to warm up the area. Very nicely done.

Oh, and the food was delicious. Fajitas, beans, rice, salsa and the rest of the trimmings. Also, a margarita machine. Remind me the next time I host a party to get one! Forget the party, maybe I just need to install one in my house.

The rest of these pics are just random pictures, I'll put names with the faces underneath.

Conrad, Joe and Andrea (Conrad's brother and sister)

Oops, I lied, I forgot I had pics of the wedding.

This is Greg holding the door open for Natalie (the flower girl who thought ALL the petals should be unceremoniously dumped at the door - that's what she's doing - it was very cute) and Shelly.
Natalie, Shelly and Greg walking to the ceremony spot.
The whole wedding party.
The first kiss as husband and wife.
Anna so posed for this picture, she didn't even take a drink. She just pursed her lips and acted like it. Too funy.
OK, now we start with the random pictures.
Conrad and Shelly

My lovely husband and me.
Anna and me.
The whole little family (and no, there wasn't one without my cleavage showing to it's full potential).
Cousin Lynne and Conrad
Sadie took this one of her and Dana.

And this one of Shelly. Sorry Shelly, but I thought it was priceless.
Shelly and Greg
Esther, Andrea and me.
Esther and Dustin
Late in the evening, Madeine, Nicholas and Cousin Lynne played a game with the pool balls and this is them before it starts...

And after it begins. I have no idea what the goal was on the game but, I hear Madeline and Nicholas beat Cousin Lynne many times. Thank you, Cousin Lynne for playing with them. They so enjoyed it.

And, lastly, Sadie took this video of Shelly and Greg having their first bite of wedding cake.
Again, best wishes Shelly and Greg. May you have a long, lovely, fun filled, God blessed marriage. We love you both.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

This video may seem like I'm spying on my across-the-street-neighbor, however, I am only using the sound portion of this video so you can hear the incessant whistling noise that is ever-present at our house.

We think it's the stadium. The wind whistling through the arches (that I so enjoyed watching go up) is what we think is making the never-ending noise at our house. And, it's not just at our house, of course, it's all over our neighborhood.

At first, I thought it was the trains that come and go throughout the night in Arlington. However, trains are not braking endlessly so it can only be one thing. The stadium. I hope that putting the roof on will stop the insanity. If you hear of someone going berserk for no reason here in Arlington, keep this sound in mind. It's enough to drive a sane man or woman crazy.