Please keep Aunt Betty in your prayers. For those of you who don't know, the Dr. is saying the end is near for her. Six months or less. Please keep her and Uncle Ernie and Peggy (her twin) in your prayers.
Everyday funny things happen. I am publishing them here to make you smile.
OK, so we went to see "Brooklyn" today. It had Diana DeGarmo (from "American Idol" fame) and Melba Moore (a Tony Award winner) in it. It was very good. There are only 5 people in this show and 3 people off stage as, I guess you would call them, back up singers. It was upbeat, sweet, gritty and fairy tale-ish. That Diana can flat sing. As can the rest of the cast. They were just great. I had no idea what to expect and was very pleasantly surprised. Thank you again, Uncle Ernie!
On to more delivering news...Rachel did have her baby. It went to Neo-natal for tests and the x-ray showed nothing but the MRI showed a little bit of the C-Cam left. The baby (Eden) was born at 9:40 something and weighed 7 lb. 15 oz. and was 20 inches long. I think I got all that right. Rachel should be going home tonight and I'm not sure if the baby will be or not. It got out of neo-natal but then went back in for breathing erratically. Keep Eden and Rachel in your prayers. They're not quite out of the woods, but I think they're seeing some light.
Anyway, my sweet sister has allowed me to borrow her piano which was being stored at a friend's house in Balch Springs so we went and picked it up tonight. My mother was right, it really needs tuning and I'm not one of those perfect pitch people and I can tell. I am taking piano lessons and Sadie will be in the fall so now, thanks to Pamela, we have a piano on which to practice. Thank you, Pamela!
Now, on to other news...The baby we've been praying for will be here (according to the people who know) before midnight. Rachel went to the hospital today to have the baby. Last check (around 8:30) she was dialated to 8-9 and they had to break her water. I will send news as I have it. Exciting times!
Oh my goodness, the most amazing thing just happened...OK, first this is Anna after she's all cleaned up. What a cutie.
OK, now, y'all all know how I can never get the pictures in the order I want, right? Well, I thought I had put on the picture of Anna after she was all washed up but I had actually clicked on the first picture twice. So, with great hesitancy I clicked on the second "first" picture and it actually deleted only that picture. So, I figure, that went well and what the hay I have time to redo the whole thing if need be, I go back to download a whole 'nother picture and voila, it's there. It's at the top but it's there. So then, I get really brave and I try to move the picture and I'll be danged if it doesn't go just where I wanted it to. What a red letter day for the blog! That's almost bigger than being able to put links to stuff on here. But not as big as when I can put video. I have two cute ones of Anna. Keep your fingers crossed!
Just e-mail me (lwangler@sbcglobal.net) and let me know you would like one and I can make arrangements. There are 4 boys and 2 girls, 5 tiger striped and 1 gray. And I think the gray one is a female.