Day Seven. All available troops, save one, on a mission at the Air Force Academy in Colorado are present and accounted for.
You'll understand in a moment what I mean when I say "the torch is passed".

I don't know how long we've been singing "I'm a Little Teapot" in my family but for as long as I can remember we have and it was requested again tonight at our family reunion talent show. Here are some of us doing it. In the picture above this one, the little ones finally learn it and get their turn at it.

This is our "Scrivner Playhouse Presents" cast from "The Wizard of Oz". Ashlea made an absolutely wicked witch, the scarecrow, lion and tinman couldn't be any more authentic if it had been Lahr and Co. themselves and Dorothy? Man, could she take you with her down the yellow brick road. And, of course, our guest stars, Wendy and Pamela as Glenda and the Wizard, respectively were to die for. Great job one and all.

This is Pamela and Greg entertaining us all with singing and guitar playing during the talent show. Great job everyone!
I have to tell you that one of the best pictures on the blog tonight disappeared during one of my trips back to the Phase 10 table. (We're playing Phase 10 while I blog and it's in a whole 'nother room and I'm running back and forth.) I will put it on the blog tomorrow as there are several pictures from the week that didn't make it that should.
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