This is a photo album of the sisters. Really, the first two. I feel like there are plenty of pics of Anna and I wanted them to have some pics of the two of them. I'm not done by any stretch of the imagination and it's fun to do and I've allowed myself the luxury of not having to have these pages decorated to the max (mainly because I can't afford to do that, this is an expensive hobby) so that takes alot of the pressure off.
I will eventually make one for each of the girls by themselves and one of all 3 sisters. And I have some side projects I want to get done. So, this should keep me busy for a long time. When I say long, I mean LLLLLOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGGG! They'll probably quit making paper before I get finished.
OMG! I am so excited that you started scrapbooking -that's my beloved hobby for several years now. Your first pages look geat. Keep it up!
I am so excited that you have started scrapbooking! That is my beloved hobby. Your first pages look great. Keep it up!
I am so excited that you have started scrapbooking -watch out - it's terribly addictive. I am been doing it for almost 8 years now! Your first pages look great - keep it up!
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